General terms and conditions of use for the web-based platform RunRanking

These general terms and conditions define the use regulation between RunRanking, as the platform administrator and its registered users. By registering, the user agrees to these terms and conditions. Opposing or conflicting conditions are not valid unless they are confirmed by RunRanking in written form.

I. Object of agreement

  1. RunRanking operates an internet platform which serves as an intermediary for donation purpose and run ranking lists.
  2. RunRanking offers users the possibility to become active on the platform. This platform was designed with the aim of recording running activities, creates reports and ranking list.
    RunRanking assumes no liability for the information provided by the users.
  3. RunRanking can limit or cancel the users’ right to use the platform if the users are using naked or pornographically material, pictures containing drugs or guns any kind.
  4. RunRanking provides a platform which conforms with the latest state of technology. Due to this, the activity can be limited in capacity or by technical interventions. This applies especially in the case of a system breakdown or similar events.

II. Registration

  1. The registration of the users followed by RunRanking’s confirmation which results in being granted access to the platform.
    The registration needs to contain the following information:
    • Name
    • Surname
    • Age (DD: MM: YYYY)
    • Address: street and Nr. /City/ Zip Code
    • E-mail Address
    • User picture
    • Password
  2. The user must inform RunRanking should any changes be made regarding the information provided on the platform. This can be done by using the option made available for this scope on the platform.
  3. RunRanking deactivates the users’ data if they do not use the platform for a period longer than 12 months.
  4. A claim for closing a license contract is excluded.

III. The execution of the intermediation

  1. The user is obliged to check whether the own data are legal. This also applies to the content any kind of written text.
  2. RunRanking allows the user to visualize all the booked runs of the actual month, users monthly or global rankings of the registered users.

IV. Duration

  1. This agreement is completed for an indefinite period.
    Both parties may cancel the agreement anytime. The notice of cancellation requires the deletion of the user via portal function.
    After the deletion all the data will be still available for 90 Days. If the user of RunRanking is coming back within this period, the account will be reactivated, and all the previous Data of the user will be available. If the user is not coming back within 90 days from deletion date all the data linked to his account will be permanently deleted.

V. Charges

  1. The user account requires a registration and is free of any charge.
    The user can book a run: 10 km, 21.1 km or 42.2 km for the following month until last day of the actual month.
    The booking of a run is NOT conditionate of a paying fee.
    No monthly fee!

VI. Liability of users

  1. The user is responsible for the legal permissibility of his offer in terms of form and content. He will indemnify RunRanking from all claims asserted against it by other users, purchasers or third parties. In these cases, the user will bear the incurred costs of a potential legal defense of RunRanking, unless the legal violation cannot be imputed to the user. The user will inform RunRanking if such claims arise and provide all information necessary to verify and fend against them.
  2. The user is liable to:
    1. Establish and maintain all necessary and reasonable precautions on data protection during the entire contract term.
    2. Inform RunRanking promptly about any technical changes in his area of activity that may influence the service provision or the security of the platform.
    3. To participate in identifying attacks of third parties on the platform if this cooperation is required.
    4. To refrain from any actions that may put the platform at risk or perturb its proper functioning.
    5. To make sure that the information and data transferred by him via the platform is not corrupted by viruses, trojans or other malicious files.
  3. The purchaser is liable to fulfil his contractual duties, to accept the products and services provided and to effect payments at due date.

VII. Data security and privacy policy

  1. The servers of RunRanking conform with the current technical norms in terms of security. However, interceptions occurring during data transferring cannot be avoided.
  2. Neither RunRanking or the users have the right to use the data and information available for scopes other than using in the RunRanking platform.
  3. RunRanking owns the rights to save and edit the information shared on the platform regarding the contractual relationship between users by considering the existing data protection regulations.
    Using personal information for other reasons than the ones stated here requires the consent of the users.
    Users have the right to cancel their agreement at all times.
  4. Users take on responsibility towards RunRanking and all the other users of the platform that they themselves respect and apply the norms concerning handling personal data. They exempt RunRanking from any claims, especially those relying on public law.

VIII. Other matters

  1. Should singular clauses of the present General terms and condition be or become void, the effectiveness of the other clauses shall remain unaffected. The parties are obliged to substitute the invalid clause with one that reflects its intended economic purpose.
  2. RunRanking owns the right to modify the present terms and conditions with equitable discretion. The users will be informed about modifications via e-mail. They come into effect four weeks after the users have been notified, except for the case when a party objects against it within the given time limit. In this case, the users have a special right of cancellation.
  3. Conflicts arising from the present contract shall be solved in the court located the area where RunRanking has its place of residence.